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Baywater Institute 由学者 Gordon Chen 于 2018 年创立,是澳大利亚新南威尔士州主要的会计商科学院之一。

我们学院帮助处于人生各个阶段的学生实现他们的职业抱负。由于我们秉承一切以实务操作为核心的教学宗旨,因此我们每年都会产生数十个学生成功毕业并找到工作的案例。我们每年的毕业生都相继服务于澳大利亚以及世界各地的一些的主要的财务及金融服务公司, 有些还进入到关键领导岗位, 成为其骨干.


我们的创始人Gordon Chen 是一名资深学者,在财务行业拥有超过 30年的工作和教学经验。 Gordon 于 1990 年代初从澳大利亚 UNSW 大学毕业,曾供职于世界上一些最大的技术和财务顾问公司, 如 PwC、IBM 和 Telstra等。

2000 年初,他创立了 BNG Consultancy,这是一家专门从事澳大利亚业务的会计与税务顾问公司. 与此相结合,Gordon追求他毕生对教学的热情。在接下来的 20 年里,他在澳大利亚最著名的高等教育机构如麦考瑞大学、悉尼科技大学、联邦大学和 TAFE NSW 担任过各种大学讲师职务。也是在这段时间里,他还相继获得了总共七个高等教育学位,包括新南威尔士大学的商业硕士学位和纽卡斯尔大学的工商管理硕士学位。

现在,他在离开学术界后创办了自己的教育机构Baywater Institute.他将自己数十年积累的智慧和经验传授给学生,并在培养财务顾问界的下一代领导者。

Our Founder

Gordon Chen

With over 25 years of teaching experience, Gordon shares a passion for all things numbers and data. Formerly, he was an academic at Macquarie University, University of Technology Sydney, and visiting MBA Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University.


我们认为,当前的教育体系已经无法让今天的年轻人为明天的变化做好准备。获得大学学位已经不足以应付日益剧烈的竞争. 为了具有更强的职场竞争力,学生必须超越自我,以确保他们能获得大公司的青睐。

在 Baywater Institute, 我们的使命是通过提供一些澳大利亚最有效的会计培训课程来扭转这一局面。在我们的课程中,我们将实践经验与最新的会计理论相结合,使学生能够在就业能力方面名列前茅。

我们的授课班级规模很小,我们的校长 Gordon Chen 亲自设计和教授课程,以确保我们的学生能获得最好的入职机会。

Our Partner Firm

The Cert IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping, and the Diploma of Accounting are vocational training programs which provide students with fundamental concepts of accounting and hands on operating skills. Students are taught by teachers with extensive accounting industry experiences. Students also have many opportunities to practice their accounting skills in class and in an internship environment in an accounting firm after they complete the course.

In partnership with

BNG Consultancy

Founded in Sydney in 2005, BNG Consultancy is an Australian Financial Services firm that works with Australia's leading SME's and private entities. They have provided accounting and financial services to businesses and individuals from all walks of life.

Practical experience

Accounting is mainly driven by practical technical skills. Apart from understanding tax law compliance and accounting standards, students will build solid, practical experiences through the internship program.

Guaranteed Internship

Students who successfully complete a Baywater course will be guaranteed an internship in a professional accounting firm. During the internship, students will train extensively in different aspects of accounting practice. This includes work on financial statements preparation for SMEs, GST BAS PAYG quarter and annual reports, and income tax return preparation for Individual, Trust, Partnership, and Companies.

Reference Letter

Upon completion of the internship, students will receive an official reference letter from the accounting firm. This provides solid proof of experience to support their pursuit in their future accounting career.

RTO Code: 567890

Our Alumni

Collectively, the team at Baywater have over 30 years experience in industry and in academia. Over this time, we have produced many success stories. Here are just some of them.

"While studying 'Business Activity and Instalment Activity Statement', I worked part time at BNG Consultancy, where I developed most of my practical accounting skills. I now work at State Street specialising in the Australian market."

Yang J.

Class of '19

State Street

"The course provided by Baywater uses practical examples and detailed explanations to help me quickly understand the content of the course and solve the corresponding problems in my work in a short period of time."

Mia M.

Class of '21


"I learnt so much during my time at Baywater. I became experienced in using accounting software such as MYOB, bookkeeping practices, and preparing and finalising financial statements and tax returns for individuals, trusts and companies."

Catherine X.

Class of '19

China Power Grid Co

"Gordon is great. Very knowledgeable and patient. Always takes time to listen to our concerns. I highly recommend BNG."

Nina T.

Class of '21

Addsum Global

"As a busy professional juggling work and family, I found the Baywater program super supportive and flexible. The course allowed me to learn at my own pace, and the staff offered care and encouragement. It made me feel motivated for my career change."

Avril C.

Class of '23

Serenade Leather

"I was searching for a more practical course that could upskill my accounting skills. The real-world assignments gave me a taste of actual business challenges. The instructors provided insights drawn from their own experiences. This combination allowed me to level up my accounting career."

Jeff T.

Class of '24


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